Teaching sustainability and renewable sources of energy is one of the keys to enhance the quality of life of the habitants of rural Africa. We conducted this particular study in ‘Escola de Artes y Oficios Diogo Vaz’ (association Natcultura) located in the roça Diogo Vaz (São Tomé e Principe, Africa).
We developed an educational and practical program based on the use of two renewable sources of energy: solar and biogas. The selection of these technologies was based on the scope of time, founding and availability of raw materials.
We proved that the use of both solar energy and biogas can lead to save time (the users do not need to go to the forest to cut wood but taking the available manure) and more importantly the forest (the rainforest of São Tomé is unique in the world). The total expenditure was 4,620,000 dobras (€205.30).
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