

This work aims to show how sustainability and renewable energies could benefit a rural area of Africa (in São Tomé) by means of using solar energy and biogas. Applying these technologies requires ingeniousness and little founding, the favourable outcomes are becoming less dependent of fossil fuels (wood, coal and gasoline) while saving time and, more importantly, the forest. We have taught how to design, build and operate systems for cooking, lighting and water-heating that use renewable sources of energy.

The Petri-dish where this study has been conducted is ‘Escola de Artes y Oficios Diogo Vaz’ (association Natcultura) located in the roça Diogo Vaz, 36 km away of São Tomé city. This roça is a rural area in where approximately five hundred people sustain their living from cacao cultivation.

Please feel free to use this information for your needs, but do not forget to refer your sources. I appreciate all the comments and suggestions.


Dani said...

Very impressive work. Everything explained with a personal view and the background of teaching other to improve their lifes, learning knowledge that they could not learn by themselver.

I hope there would be more people like.


go to plentzia.ya said...

MENUDO TRABAJO!! Muy interesante. El blog es muy bonito y didactico, lo cual es importante para que la experiencia llegue a través de interne al mayor número de pueblos posible. Felicidades, en breve nos contarás todo con detalle. Un abrazo

me chinho said...

Excelente, Dr. Pedro. Espero encontra-lo ainda ai em Sao Tomé. Teria imenso gosto em em convida-lo para o meu projecto.